Sunday, 14 September 2014

The Only Blog Post People Read is the One About Grannies Who Do It in Rubber Gloves

The situation: you receive yet another email notification of a blog comment about Marigolds.

You feel: despair.

You’ve written hundreds of varied and fascinating blog posts. Yet whenever you check your web stats, they reveal that 99% of your traffic comes from people searching for various combinations of ‘granny does it in rubber gloves’.

The pattern’s not entirely without justification. As a product of writing a comedy called My Granny Writes Erotica, you have had cause to blog about older people who write naughty books. One post includes a book extract in which your writer protagonist is thinking through her next plot whilst doing the dishes.

You know that anybody expecting photos or videos of a pair of grannies going at it whilst wearing rubber are going to be bitterly disappointed when they find a text-only post about how many books Jackie Collins has squeezed into her life so far.

On the other hand, traffic is traffic. Many porn-lovers have a sense of humour. Perhaps a visitor might come along looking for some saucy stimulation but get side-tracked by your novel.

Do not edit your blog post to read, ‘Looking up porn? You should be ashamed of yourself, young man.’ Do not cater to visitors’ demands by writing a saucy short story called ‘Grannies Wash Up’. Such behaviour could have long term effects on your brand. If you have a reputation for writing OAP bonkbusters, readers might not realise that My Granny Writes Erotica is humorous fiction rather than erotica.

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